A herd of West African Giraffes
Image credit: Giraffe Conservation Foundation

Saving West Africa’s Last Giraffe

2019 - 2020
Species protected
West African Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis peralta

Project objectives

The West African Giraffe was restricted to one area up until late 2018 when the first re-introduction occurred into Gadabedji Biospehere Reserve (see video above). This project will seek to double the number of giraffe in this newly established population. Additionally, targeted monitoring of both populations will increase significantly (>60%), combined with fitting of GPS satellite units to individual giraffe to better understand their movements and potential threats. Overall the project will result in increased conservation efforts and attention for giraffe by also increasing local, national and international awareness.

This project is implemented by Giraffe Conservation Foundation.


Climate change

Disruption of water flow

Over-exploitation of natural resources & prey depletion

This project is part of the IUCN Save Our Species African Wildlife initiative, which is co-funded by the European Union.