SOS African Wildlife

The African Wildlife initiative mainly aims to halt the decline of threatened large African carnivores, such as lions, leopards and cheetahs, increasingly affected by poaching, habitat fragmentation and human encroachment on wild habitats. The initiative also contributes to ensuring the long-term survival of smaller carnivores and their prey species
What is the African Wildlife initiative?
Why should we care about cheetahs, Ethiopian wolves, African wild dogs, leopards, or lions? Watch the initiative reel and discover the complexity of the interconnection of species, and how each species are essential to the survival of the ecosystem they are part of.

Projects funded under the initiative will also empower civil society organisations which will work with relevant authorities and involve local communities in finding solutions to prevent their extinction. Concrete outputs expected also include increases in the availability of critical habitat areas and a reduction of human-wildlife conflict.

Read the new SOS African Wildlife initiative impact
Our latest impact report provides an in-depth look at rapid action conservation efforts, highlighting detailed case studies and insights from the field.

About our projects on the ground
SOS African Wildlife provides two main types of small to medium sized grants:
- Threatened Species Grants are awarded through periodic Calls for Proposals for projects that have a programmatic approach to addressing existing conservation threats to carnivores and prey species, and are available to Civil Society Organisations only.
- Rapid Action Grants are awarded through an open-ended Call for Proposals. They are designed to enable immediate responses to new and emerging threats.
Find out more about the SOS African Wildlife initiative
Read our latest brochure and find out what the initiative is doing to protect Species, Habitats and People.
Projects supported by the initiative
Check out projects on our interactive map2022

Rapid Action Grant
Preventing Illegal Activities in Mount Kenya National Park

Rapid Action Grant
Protecting South Africa’s Unique Succulent Species from Poachers
Rapid Action Grant
Ensuring the Protection of Threatened Seabirds in South Africa

Rapid Action Grant
Protection of the Critically Endangered Lillie Cycad

Rapid Action Grant
Safeguarding Northern Tanzania’s Wildlife and Ecosystems

Rapid Action Grant
Improving the Habitat of the Critically Endangered Rough Moss Frog

Rapid Action Grant
Increasing Environmental Surveillance in Western Madagascar

Rapid Action Grant
Using Canine Units to Detect Poaching in South Africa

Rapid Action Grant
Preventing Lion Poaching in Uganda

Rapid Action Grant
Preserving the Apes in the Itombwe Nature Reserve

Rapid Action Grant
Protecting Threatened Species in the Gola Forest

Rapid Action Grant
Protecting Grauer’s Gorillas in Kahuzi-Biega National Park

Rapid Action Grant
Sustaining Conservation Efforts at the Onepone Endangered Species Refuge

Rapid Action Grant
Protecting Chimpanzees and their Ecosystem from COVID-19

Rapid Action Grant
Protecting the South-Western Black Rhino

Rapid Action Grant
Continuing to Safeguard Threatened Species in Côte d’Ivoire
Rapid Action Grant
Improving the Conservation of Highly Threatened South African Wildlife

Rapid Action Grant
Saving South Africa’s Most Threatened Migratory Freshwater Fish

Rapid Action Grant
Monitoring and Protection of Biodiversity on Selati Game Reserve