Nurse Shark
Image credit: Fauna and Flora International

Conservation Action for Threatened Sharks and Rays in Cape Verde

2014 - 2015
Cape Verde
Species protected
Scalloped Hammerhead Sphyrna lewini
Common Smoothhound Mustelus mustelus
Reef Manta Ray Manta alfredi

Project objectives

This project aims to track a shift in perception from ignorance to interest and curiosity, and eventually understanding and respect. Specifically the project aims to ensure:

  • An effectively managed and locally supported network of 5 MPAs offering critical protection for shark and ray breeding and nursing sites;


Over-exploitation of natural resources & prey depletion

  • That changing public perceptions and behaviour towards sharks leads to increased engagement and empowered local champions in 3 coastal communities;
  • A live shark release initiative is adopted by 30% of local fishermen;
  • New income generating opportunities will provide an enabling environment and concrete pathway for illegal fishers to transition from shark fishing to shark friendly activities.

This project is implemented by Fauna and Flora International.