Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund

The Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund, running from 2021 to 2026, is funded by Fondation Segré through IUCN Save Our Species.

The Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund focuses on threatened species and their habitats across Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East. This initiative will support young and early researchers as well as conservation projects throughout the course of four annual calls for proposals. Each year, the calls will focus on different animal species considered as threatened on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In 2021, the Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund launched calls for proposals focusing on terrestrial, freshwater and marine species, and in 2022 another focusing on Endangered and Critically Endangered squamates, the most diverse and largest order of all reptile groups. In February 2024, the Fund launched new calls for proposals focusing on globally threatened ungulate species.
The Fund will make available two different types of grants:
- Conservation Action Grants will support on-the-ground conservation action with the goal of improving the status of threatened animal species and their habitats. Threatened species are those with a global Red List status of Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN), or Critically Endangered (CR). Maximum grant size for Conservation Action Grants will be EUR 50’000 with a maximum duration of 12 months. These grants are open to all local and national Civil Society Organisations, as well as local or regional Non-Governmental Organisations, with a primary focus on local non-profit organisations.
- Research Support Grants will support young and early scientists in their research to improve the knowledge on threatened species and their role in natural ecosystems. These grants intend to provide budding researchers the opportunity to develop into world class conservationists. Maximum grant size for Research Support Grants will be EUR 7’000 for a maximum duration of 12 months. Applicants have to be enrolled in a curriculum at an academic institution in order to apply.
Any active calls for proposals are posted on the Calls for Proposals web-page.
Projects supported by the initiative
Check out projects on our interactive map2024

Research Support Grant
Dragonflies of Guainía: the search of Heteragrion demarmelsi

Research Support Grant
Population dynamics of two Endangered dragonfly species endemic to Colombia

Research Support Grant
Fostering the conservation and recovery of threatened sturgeons in Georgia

Research Support Grant
Conserving Vulnerable Chacoan Killifish in a challenging context

Research Support Grant
Determining Habitat and Population Characteristics of the Earless Monitor Lizard
Research Support Grant
Evaluating the Population Status of Threatened Agamid Lizard Species In Sri Lanka

Research Support Grant
Promoting community Awareness and Conservation in Shimba Hills

Research Support Grant
Carrying Out an Ecological Assessment of the Critically Endangered Dark Sitana in Nepal

Research Support Grant
Assessing the Conservation Status of the Belalanda Chameleon in Madagascar

Research Support Grant
Diversity inventory of threatened freshwater fishes in the Mekong Delta

Research Support Grant
Conservation of an endemic freshwater shrimp in Lake Poso, Indonesia

Research Support Grant
eDNA monitoring of native fish populations in South Africa